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The Core System Conundrum

Posted by Bret Herbert on Nov 8, 2017 9:00:00 AM

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Replacing a bank or credit union’s core system is not a decision to be taken lightly. A conversion to a new software provider can easily take more than a year in a best case.  These projects have often been compared to a heart transplant – very expensive, high risk and resource intensive. They also usually consume IT bandwidth that is needed to respond to a litany of business priorities such as the front office channels, products and services consumers depend on daily.

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Topics: Vendors & Contracts

“Trust, but Verify” – When Managing Vendor Contract Negotiations

Posted by Michael Carter on Oct 25, 2017 9:00:00 AM

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Ideally, a good business partnership should result in a “win/win” for all parties involved. Vendor relationships are no exception. No vendor will last long if their approach is predatory toward their clients. 

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Topics: Vendors & Contracts

The Next Generation of Mobile Banking

Posted by Michael Carter on Oct 18, 2017 9:00:00 AM

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In my last post, I recounted the extent to which the iPhone transformed the very notion of mobile banking. Let’s now shift the focus to catalysts for the next wave of banking innovation.

While the iPhone’s quantum leap occurred in 2007, its full impact on financial services didn’t emerge overnight because it took developers some time to leverage the opportunities this new platform enabled, and then another chunk of time for many financial institutions (FIs) and mass market consumers to embrace those capabilities. These phases were essential to making the smartphone the indispensable tool for navigating modern life, and they would be and will be repeated on rare occasions. 

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Topics: Technology, Vendors & Contracts

Analyzing The Fed’s Study on Debit-Interchange Fees

Posted by John Fuller on Oct 11, 2017 11:30:00 AM

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Just the phrase, “The Durbin Amendment” is enough to drive some less reserved bankers to punch a wall, scream out a window, or initiate whatever coping mechanism helps them most effectively blow off steam. While the mere mention of this law, at a minimum, elevates the blood pressure of those responsible for managing banks and credit unions, these executives recognize that the sensible approach to Durbin is to find ways to thrive within its constraints.

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Topics: News

How the iPhone Changed Banking and Vendor Contract Negotiations

Posted by Michael Carter on Oct 4, 2017 9:00:00 AM


As you certainly must know – unless you are returning from a long, wireless sabbatical spent in a cloister of monks sworn to silence, the iPhone recently celebrated a “big” birthday.  The device that changed most everything about banking, shopping, driving and more is 10 years old. 

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Topics: Strategic Sourcing, Technology, Vendors & Contracts

Revenue-Enhancement Services: Why $8 Billion is the New $10 Billion

Posted by Bob Koehler on Sep 20, 2017 12:45:00 PM

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To say that some financial institutions (FIs) have an unhealthy obsession with the Durbin Amendment is not a stretch.  These FIs have been watching and waiting hopefully at a brief window of (probably unrealistic) hope that the new administration would repeal the amendment. The reality for all FIs, however, is that aside from some regulatory relief around the edges, there’s little reason to expect meaningful action on the regulatory front until after the 2018 mid-term elections.

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Topics: News

How Vendor Contract Management Can Help You This Budget Season

Posted by Ben Mrva on Aug 30, 2017 12:30:00 PM

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For anyone working at a company with a calendar-based fiscal year, the August dog days of summer also mean the advent of the annual planning cycle. Odds are that department heads are being asked to “do more with less,” or at least to increase output at a faster rate than costs. As anyone with budget responsibility is well aware, it’s no easy task to fund reasonable pay increases for valued employees let alone accommodate growth in other expense areas.

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Topics: Vendors & Contracts

Core Conversions: Are Financial Institutions in Denial or Pursuing New Approaches

Posted by Bret Herbert on Aug 18, 2017 12:00:00 PM

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Much has been written about the “stickiness” of consumer payment apps and their value in cementing bank and credit union relationships with customers and members, but behind the scenes at most financial institutions (FIs) there is a far stickier relationship.  In this relationship, the bank or credit union is the customer and the cement composed of those mission critical services provided by their core processing vendor.

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Topics: Strategic Sourcing, Vendors & Contracts

How Tech Trends Lead to Longer Vendor Contract Rosters

Posted by Michael Carter on Aug 9, 2017 11:00:00 AM

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Most bankers would agree that, all other things being equal, minimizing the cost of complexity is a key operational goal, which normally means consolidating around a limited number of financial services vendors. The big “gotcha” in the above statement, however, is that all other things are rarely equal, and recent industry trends reveal that other factors are at work.

In a perfect world, core banking service providers would serve as one-stop shops for ancillary products like mobile banking and remote deposit capture as well. In fact, an acquisition spree by the cores over recent years was aimed to round out their portfolios and solidify that single-source status. Recently, however, newer startups have delivered compelling enough innovations to prompt financial institutions (FIs) to expand their horizons. 

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Topics: Vendors & Contracts

Regulations Are a Fact Of Life: Don’t Let Vendor Contract Management Create More Expenses

Posted by Patrick Goodwin, President on Aug 2, 2017 11:30:00 AM

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The spiraling cost of complying with an ever increasing regulatory burden is possibly the greatest challenge facing US banks and credit unions – it’s not an exaggeration to label it an existential threat for some institutions. However, this threat can be mitigated by utilizing expertise available from compliance and strategic sourcing firms as well as via software automation. It won’t make the regulations go away, but it makes the process more efficient and helps make it less likely that something is overlooked.

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Topics: Strategic Sourcing, Vendors & Contracts

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