Most of the excitement surrounding cryptocurrency has focused on Bitcoin and similar altcoins. This is understandable, as this asset class accounts for over 95% of the market value assigned to digital currencies and has been responsible for eye-popping returns in recent years.
Topics: Vendor Contract Negotiation, Cryptocurrency, Bank Vendor Management, Credit Union Vendor Management, DeFi, Stablecoins, CBDC
How Credit Unions Can Take Advantage of the NCUA’s Crypto Guidance
The National Credit Union Association delivered an early gift to the institutions it regulates – guidance for handling digital assets such as cryptocurrency.
A growing number of credit unions have shown interest in offering crypto services to their members. Still, many have been reluctant to take the plunge without parameters from the NCUA. The agency’s guidance should provide some comfort for leery executives.
Topics: Vendor Contract Negotiation, Cryptocurrency, Bank Vendor Management, Credit Union Vendor Management, DeFi, Digital Assets
In late July, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) issued a request for comment on the current uses of digital assets and their potential impact on the financial system. The NCUA plans to use this input to help shape its role in safeguarding consumers and the system as these emerging technologies evolve.
The request largely mirrors previous outreach by bank regulators, although the NCUA expanded its scope to include the rapidly growing field of decentralized finance (DeFi). Unfortunately, the credit union response has been muted, so the NCUA extended its deadline for comments to October 27. SRM encourages credit unions to make their voices heard on this strategically important issue.
SRM responded to the NCUA, which you can read here. Our NCUA letter serves as a solid primer on the cryptocurrency topic and includes several examples of existing banking initiatives, the highlights of which we’ll summarize below.
Topics: Cryptocurrency, DeFi, Decentralized Finance, Digital Asset Regulation, Cryptocurrency for Banks and Credit Unions
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Take the Global Payments Stage | Defining the Crypto Role for Banks and Credit Unions
Bitcoin’s value - which has doubled in 2021 - continues to generate headlines but, behind the scenes, something even more significant for banking, as we know it, is happening. Central bank digital currencies are now emerging from experimental trials, disrupting the norm, to take a leading role on the global payments stage.
As for banks and credit unions, we recommend researching and rehearsing your crypto lines (of business) for showtime.
Topics: Payments, Cryptocurrency, DeFi, Disruptors, CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies